Thursday, April 1, 2010

Session 2 Notes: Projector and SmartBoard Basics

Session 2 was held Wednesday, March 30th, at Mrs. Berry's room. Many thanks to Patricia Miller who brought some awesome snacks. We went over projector use and SmartBoard Basics.

Using a projector in class is often a teachers' first step toward tech savy.  When you have a projector, you have an inexhaustible buddy..paired with one or two other items and you are well on your way to a tech-savvy approach. It is the second most important piece of equipment in a classroom, after the pc or laptop.

Let's have a look at the back of a typical projector. There are lots of holes to plug lots of things into, and it can be a bit confusing. Two colors are most important:  Blue and Gold, yes, like the sausage from the FFA.

Blue ports are generally where the computer monitor port goes--if there are two. Yellow, round single prong plugs are perfect for a camcorder or digital camera, which when combined with a desk lamp give you a home made "elmo" or document camera. And dont forget the power source cable, three-prong typical looking power cord, this is missing from the graphic at left.  Sometimes the powercable attaches at the side instead of from the back.  

A projector can be used for alot of things, not just death by powerpoint.  Just because you have a projector does not mean you should show an endless stream of powerpoint slides or neverending graphics.  Mix it up, if you have alot of still photos to share, at least keep the pace upbeat.  Make sure your slides are not too wordy, and that you aren't reading it verbatim.  Check out this funny video to learn more....


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